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The 7 Steps to Bariatric Surgery

The 7 Steps to Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery is a big step. It involves far more than just an operation – it’s going to change your entire life, and that requires making some lifestyle changes beforehand. Here’s a quick overview of the process Norman Regional will guide you through.

1.Start with a Seminar

  • Bariatric seminars are a great introduction to bariatric surgery and what it entails. You’ll hear about your different surgical options and their risks and benefits so you can make an informed decision.

2. Meet the Physician

  • Next, you’ll meet with one of our physicians so you can get an expert’s opinion on which procedure will be best for you and your unique situation.

3. Nutrition Counseling

  • Bariatric surgery requires some pretty specific dietary changes. Nutrition counseling helps you develop a customized nutrition plan and form crucial healthy habits. This step is an ongoing part of the process – it continues after surgery.

4. Physical Therapy

  • We’ll also assess your physical mobility, identify any limitations you currently have, and develop a treatment plan to improve your mobility before and after surgery.

5. Psychological Assessment

The biggest part of the weight loss process is the mental part: preparation, education, and willpower. We’ll sit down with you to talk through your strengths, weaknesses, expectations, and fears, to make sure you’re ready.

6. Support Group

It’s crucial that you talk to people who’ve gone through (or are still going through) what you’re about to go through – from knowing you’re not alone, to sharing tips on overcoming day-to-day challenges. Norman’s bariatric support groups meet in a safe, confidential environment that’s designed to foster education and emotional support.

7. Preoperative Class

Finally, the pre-operative class prepares you for all the other little details surrounding bariatric surgery, such as preparing for the day of surgery and recovering afterward. It’s also another chance for us to address any concerns or questions you may have.

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