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Hip Replacement

Surgical Orthopedists, At Your Service

Choosing us for your hip replacement means opting for orthopedic surgeons who are deeply committed to patient-centered care. We understand your need for clear information and invite any questions regarding your joint replacement journey. Our team is dedicated to pain alleviation and restoring mobility through individualized treatment plans, so you can get back to enjoying your life.

Each patient is unique and can experience joint pain for different reasons. It’s important to talk to us about the reason for your joint pain, so you can understand the best treatment options available to you for your specific needs. Our team can help you determine whether or not hip replacement is the right treatment method for you.

Advanced Hip Replacement with Mako SmartRobotics™

If you are living with degenerative joint disease or another condition causing significant hip pain and decreased function, you may want to consider the benefits of Mako robotic-assisted surgery. This procedure utilizes a 3D CT-based planning system that allows our surgical orthopedists in Norman to craft personalized strategies for your procedure. Before entering the operating room, a 3D model of your hip joint is created for precise planning.

During surgery, Mako's robotic arm is steered by the surgeon within predetermined boundaries, conserving healthy bone by targeting only the affected areas. Your surgeon remains in full control by meticulously directing the robotic movements, thereby utilizing Mako as an extension of their expertise, rather than an automated piece of technology.

robotic hip replacement

Why Choose Ortho Central?

Choosing us for your hip replacement means opting for a hospital in Norman that is committed to patient-centered care. We understand your need for clear information and invite any questions regarding your joint replacement journey. Our team is dedicated to pain alleviation and restoring mobility through individualized treatment plans, so you can get back to enjoying your life fully.

To learn about our comprehensive orthopedic services, contact us at 405-360-6764 to schedule an appointment. Trust us as your partner in orthopedic health – because every step matters on your path to recovery.

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